The Art in the Park Art Fair in Isle of Wyrms 26.02.21
You are invited to The Art in the Park Art Fair in IOW.
The Art in the Park is home to five art stores and we would like to welcome their new ventures here with a Grand Opening Art Fair which runs for 2 weeks starting March 13, 2021.
Please join us in welcoming these fine stores:
Blue Starlight Art by Sorrell Scorpio
Kitty Huang's ArtWork by Kitty Huang
Linda Doune Nature Photography by Linda Doune
Panda Panda by Liam Metaluna
Strymon by Strymon O. Whitewolf Parthicus
There are 13 carts available for guest artists to participate in the Grand Opening. They are on a first first come first serve basis and unfortunately we will not be able to add more carts.
To visit the Art Fair visit: