MadPea Summer Splash Hunt 2021
MadPea has a new summer splash hunt for two weeks. The hunt runs from Friday, June 25th until midnight on July 12th. Hidden around the grid are several ducks, fabulous prizes, amazing locations and achievements.
To get started hunters need to buy the hud package for L$300, the package comes with a duck hunt hud, a duck soaker 3000 and a wackie duckie vehicle. The duck soaker comes in 3 colours: green, orange and yellow.
The following ducks gives certain points:
Captains are ducks on boats that give 50 points each and will last 72 hours after being rezzed
Drifters are ducks on a raft that give 25 points each and will last 48 hours after being rezzed
Floaties are ducks on an innertube that give 25 points and will last 48 hours after being rezzed
Swimmies are cute regular ducks in an array of colours. They give 10 points and lifespan is 24 hours