Bellisseria Trick-or-Treat Linden Bear Hunt 28.10.21
It’s The Great Trick or Treat Event, Bellisseria!
Prepare to celebrate Halloween Belli style! Collect candy across Bellisseria this Halloween season and win prizes! This is an interactive event where residents living in Bellisseria can host Candy Buckets on their parcels and anyone (even residents not living in Bellisseira) can go all around Bellisseria Trick or Treating to collect candy.
Only residents who own parcels in Bellisseria can host a candy bucket, but any resident can get a game HUD and go Trick or Treating.
Everyone who participates in Trick or Treating and collects at least one candy will receive a Halloween Skelly Bear (skeleton bear is decor only). The top candy collectors will get limited edition bears!
The top 10 winners will get the Deaddy Bear (zombie) Animesh Pet/Follower with custom animations, sounds and effects. (Decor version and Animesh version).
The next 25 will get the Magic Bear (wizard) Wearable animesh that waves a wand with particle effects, sounds and has a hat. (Decor version and Animesh version).
The next 65 will get the Evil Bear (devil) No sounds or effects. (Decor version and Animesh version).
***Quick Start***
How to host a bucket:
- Rez a copy of Bellisseria Trick or Treat Candy Bucket from your inventory on your Linden Home parcel in Bellisseria
- Place it somewhere on your parcel where residents can easily see and touch it. (Toward the front of your parcel or on your porch near the front door is recommended)
- That's it! Residents can now come to your parcel Trick or Treating and get candy!
How to play:
- Wear your Bellisseria Trick or Treat HUD.
- Go all around the neighborhoods in Bellisseria and find residents' homes where they are hosting a Candy Bucket.
- When you find one that is active (with particle effects), walk within 5 meters of it and touch it.
- The bucket will play a sound and do an extra particle display when successfully touched and add one more candy to your candy count.
- Find another bucket and repeat!
***Nitty Gritty Details***
- Players can only collect ONE candy per bucket.
- Residents can rez ONE working candy bucket ONLY on their own Linden Homes parcel in Bellisseria. If multiple buckets are rezzed, or it is rezzed outside Bellisseria, or it is rezzed by someone other than the parcel owner, the bucket will message that there is a problem and derez.
- At the end of the event the bucket will derez itself.
- Residents must be within 5 meters of the bucket to collect candy. If you do not want residents inside your parcel we recommend placing the candy bucket closer to the front entrance of your land where they do not need to enter in order to touch it. The more easily they can find it the better.
- Touching your candy bucket for two seconds will give a count of how many candies it has given out so you can see how many people have found and collected candy from your bucket. The bucket is keyed to the parcel id, so if you are hosting a bucket and you change homes and rerez the bucket the total amount of candy given out will be for the new parcel, not the old one. The previous total does not transfer. Note that this has NO effect on the amount candy YOU have collected, only how much your bucket has given out.
- Everyone who collects at least one candy is eligible to receive the Skelly Bear. These will be available from a vendor that eligible participants can touch to receive their prize after the event. Vendors will be in the same locations where the HUD and Buckets were distributed.
- Prizes for the top collectors will be sent out manually after the event has concluded.